Treatment Options For Pets With Diabetes

3 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog


Veterinarian visits are part of a pet owner's routine. You take your pets for their routine visits and for check-ups. Shots are given and medication is prescribed. One of the times you may not want to visit your veterinarian's office is when your pet becomes ill. An illness that can end up with positive results deals with diabetes. If your pet is exhibiting symptoms of possible diabetes, there are treatment options that can be successful and help give your pet a healthier outlook. 

Dietary Changes

One of the first things your veterinarian may suggest is dietary changes. These changes deal with reduced calories as well as avoiding certain foods. For example, some veterinarians suggest foods that reduce grains and reduce over-processing. This can help reduce the pet's intake of foods that are triggering their issues. They may also suggest roasted chicken, lean meats, and supplements that can help reduce the triggering foods and additives that can worsen diabetes. The food they offer may also be specifically for weight control and diabetes as well. Depending on your pet's age and needs, the dietary changes may be very specific including a specific type and amount of food each day. In fact, there are times you may need prescription dog food directly from your vet. 

Fitness Increase

Just like with humans, an increase in fitness can help diabetes in many ways. The increase helps with weight loss, which does help reduce diabetes symptoms. The increase can be something as simple as longer walks or even adding walks to your daily routine. You can also help them with playing indoors and outdoors to give them more cardio. The fitness increase can also include physical therapy if your pet is having increased issues. 

Insulin Treatment

There are cases where you may need to have your pet placed on insulin. This treatment usually requires monitoring your pet during the first few weeks to ensure they are getting the right dosage. It will also show if the dosage should be changed before making a permanent prescription for your pet. Insulin should also be part of an overall health plan that includes dietary changes and fitness increases. 

Keep in mind that there are multiple treatments available for your pet and their diabetes. Visiting your veterinarian for an initial consultation and exam can lead to an early diagnosis. The earlier the diabetes is found and diagnosed, the more options you have for treatments. If you have any questions regarding the treatment your veterinarian suggests, discuss your concerns during the initial exam. For more information, contact a veterinarian near you.