Ampicillin Trihydrate — Treatment Variables And Dosage Instructions

9 February 2023
 Categories: , Blog


Ampicillin trihydrate is a medication that is used to treat a range of bacterial infections. If your cat has a respiratory infection or another bacterial infection, your pet's veterinarian may prescribe this type of medication.

Medicinal Considerations

Ampicillin trihydrate comes in a liquid suspension form, tablet form, and capsule form. This type of antibiotic is white and bitter tasting in its powder form. It is used to treat a broad spectrum of illnesses and is sometimes featured in an off-label format when prescribed by a veterinarian.

An off-label medication is one that is prescribed for a different reason than what a manufacturer has intended the product for. A veterinarian may administer doses in an office setting. They may also prescribe the medicine and request that a pet owner picks up the medicine at a pharmacy or a compounding pharmacy.

Dosing Instructions

If your pet's veterinarian diagnoses your pet with an infection that will require that you administer ampicillin trihydrate, be aware of the proper way to store the medicine and give it to your pet. A suspension liquid should remain refrigerated. A liquid that will be injected will require the use of clean syringes and gloves. Each time that you administer the liquid antibiotic, put on a pair of clean gloves and use a clean syringe.

The medicine should be administered under the skin. It should be injected into the muscular tissue. Your pet's veterinarian will likely administer the initial dose of the medicine during an office visit. During the treatment, you will be provided with insight into how to administer the medicine yourself.

Dirty syringes and gloves should be disposed of in a bag that is designated for biohazard materials. Give the medicine as directed. If you forget to give your pet a dose, administer it as soon as you remember. Never administer double doses. This could be harmful to your pet.


Your cat will likely not experience any side effects that will be worrisome. In the rare chance that your pet experiences an adverse reaction to the antibiotic, contact your pet's veterinarian. If you have any difficulty using an injectable solution, consult with the veterinarian.

The veterinarian may prescribe a tablet, a capsule, or an oral suspension liquid instead. One of the alternate forms of the medication may be easier for you to give to your pet. The veterinarian will monitor your pet's condition during the treatment phase.  

For more information, contact a local company like US Vet.