Does Your Cat Say "Oink"? What To Do With A Constantly Famished Feline

13 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog


Most cats enjoy a good bowl of kibbles or canned food, but if you have a feline who seems to have an endless pit for a stomach, you may be dealing with an underlying medical issue. Cats aren't supposed to act like porkers, always rummaging for food and never feeling full; thus, you might want to carefully consider what's behind the behavior and what you should do about it.

Schedule And Measure Meals 

Your hungry hairball probably shouldn't be fed every time it cries for food. In fact, animals usually benefit from regular feeding times and consistent quantities. Check your cat's feeding requirements by his age and weight, and only put the recommended amount in front of him.

Eliminate People Food And Treats 

Many pets simply love interacting with their humans, sampling everything they eat; however, this isn't a healthy habit for them. Cats have internal regulation mechanisms that stop them from overeating or eating things they shouldn't, so if you're tempting your cat with a variety of human favorites, you're doing the animal a disservice. Treats, too, even if specifically formulated for cats, often have too many calories and include ingredients that may not be nutritious. If your pet is already overeating, eliminate treats and people food from the menu.

Examine The Cat's Psychological History

Cats who've lived in shelters or experienced homelessness on the streets can, thereafter, be obsessed with food. It's only natural to worry about where your next meal is coming from if you've had to fight other cats for food or know how what an empty, rumbling tummy feels like. Be understanding with the animal, but still limit the amount you feed and keep the diet healthy.

Bring The Famished Feline To An Animal Hospital

If you've tried everything to bring your cat's ferocious appetite under control to no avail, the best thing to do is have the cat analyzed by a professional. There are various conditions that may bring about severe hunger, from parasites to thyroid problems to icky worms. Carefully note anything else unusual going on with your cat, such as weight loss, despite the gluttonous gorging, or a change in his fur, energy level, or deposits in the litter box.

Your cat may need to undergo a number of tests to rule out any serious medical explanation for the overeating, including blood work, urine and thyroid testing, an ultrasound, and even a biopsy. If your feline friend does have a thyroid condition, diabetes, or a digestive disorder, be prepared for a change of food, possible medications, and careful monitoring of food intake. 

Everyone says "oink" once in a while if it's been too long since they last had something to eat, if they had a particularly bad day, or if they seriously overexerted themselves; however, if you have a feline that's always acting like a little oinker, you need to have the cat thoroughly checked out at an animal hospital, such as Norwin Veterinary Hospital. Maybe it's just a behavior you'll need to live with, but if it's something else, a veterinarian can find out and help you and your four-legged food fanatic figure it out.