Adopting A Stray Cat? Here's What You Need To Do At The Vet's Office

24 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog


Taking a stray cat in and giving them a loving home is one of the kindest things a pet owner can do. If you're considering doing this or have already done so, you will need to take your kitty to the vet, even if they seem healthy. In order to ensure that your cat lives a long and safe life, here are the things you need to do at a vet's office as soon as possible.


One of the first things you should ask for is a simple blood test to ensure that your cat isn't sick. Many diseases can be carried by cats without having outward symptoms. Checking for conditions like FIV will ensure that it's detected as early as possible and that treatment can begin right away. Many cats will come up completely clean on these tests, so don't panic, but don't skip this step either.


Once your cat has been screened for diseases, it's time for vaccinations. These simple injections can protect your cat from a wide variety of illnesses spread by cats and other animals, including rabies, FIV, FeLV, and others. You should always ask for a blood test first, however, as some of these vaccines can trigger a false-positive on blood tests if you get the vaccination first.


Chances are your former stray isn't going to have a future in breeding, so make sure to get them fixed.

Depending on their gender, fixing a stray cat can help to protect or even guarantee that they don't get certain types of cancers, like testicular cancer or mammary cancer in females. It will also help to reduce behavioral issues, unwanted territorial marking, and help to even out your cat's moods so that they don't become more aggressive or antsy when other cats in the neighborhood go into heat.


Finally, consider having your cat microchipped. This simple and safe implant will ensure that if your kitty ever goes wandering again, you can be reunited with them.

Collars and tags are also a good idea, but the good thing about microchips is that they can't be lost. Once it's in your cat's body, it can be scanned by any veterinarian's office. This means that if your cat wanders off, any friendly person who encounters your cat can track down its identity and owner, leading them back to you.

Cats need medical attention when they're adopted into homes, even if it doesn't seem like they have any outward problems. Talk to your veterinarian about pet care and get these steps accomplished so that you can rest easy about your cat's health and condition.